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Major UK Finance Sector Company

CLIENT REQUIREMENT:  We were appointed to undertake engagement exercises across two locations to capture insights into the ways of working and determine the future workplace needs.

For the first project, XXX had decided to relocate their operations to a new facility in London. Recognizing the opportunity this presented, XXX sought to develop a greater understanding of future workplace requirements to inform, guide, and direct the design of their new space.

OUR APPROACH: To achieve this, we deployed our unique WEX engagement tool to all 425 employees to capture their future ways of working requirements and preferences.

For the second project, XXX recognized that their workplace in the north did not support their post-pandemic ways of working. To address this, we undertook a deep and meaningful engagement across the business. This included interviews with the senior leadership team and deploying our WEX engagement tool to all 900 employees to capture their requirements and preferences. The insights allowed us to strategically model the activities undertaken across the business, the demand for various space types, and the key collaboration requirements of each team.

These findings were presented in a dynamic dashboard, along with a detailed space budget based on the worksetting needs of each team, statement of requirements, and a concept design illustrating the future workplace arrangements aligned to organizational needs all of which was used to brief their architect. A detailed change roadmap defining key activities and recommendations for implementation was also provided to the client.


  • Detailed insight into the future workplace needs for the whole organization.

  • Clarified the brief for future design and refurbishment projects.

  • Provided evidence to support confidence in future decisions.

  • Engaged the workforce, leading to buy-in for the solutions and support for future change management activities.

  • Detailed spatial analysis providing clarity on the volume and types of work settings required.


As a result of these exercises, XXX is able to confidently progress with the design process for the new London facility and the refurbishment of the regional site. For London, the design team has access to detailed information that will allow them to develop the design with minimal change and maximum pace. For the regional site, XXX understands exactly how much of the building is required, releasing valuable space for alternative users. Across both projects, XXX now has the tools and insights to create workplaces that support organizational performance and meet the needs of their teams.

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