COVID-19 Response
This is where we can help

Preparing to Reoccupy?
We have proven methodologies to develop our clients' future way of working, as part of their Return to Office (RTO) strategy.
We have successfully helped businesses implement remote & agile working for over 17 years, the pandemic has accelerated the change and we're now seeing organisations wanting to adopt a blended or hybrid solution (which is agile but by another name).
We can provide the workplace, change and leadership services to guide you along this journey.
We are pleased to say that our new suite of tools, led by our innovative online WEX Engagement Tool can profile your employees, creating personas, work out who is remote and in-office, how much space they need and what type of space they find most productive, plus who they need to collaborate with.
When this data is fed into our automated Space Calculator we can advise on how much space you require in any location.
Please contact us for a free trial of how this can help you.
For further information on this, click here.
We also have free guidance notes on implementing new ways of working and planning your return to office strategy here.
Home & Remote Working
We have developed a Home & Remote Working Survey to help you understand how your employees are coping working from home and help identify which team might be might be the first to return to your reopened office.
We are in unprecedented territory – never have people been forced to work from home with such speed. We’re six months in, how are well are your employees coping working from home?
Are they thriving, or just surviving? Being productive, happy?
Ask them to take your Home & Remote Working Survey, our system automatically collates and analyses the data onto a live dashboard giving useful and practical feedback across the six key success factors, metrics that could mean the difference between just surviving or thriving whilst your teams are working from home.
The sooner you have this rich feedback at your fingertips, the better you can respond to the needs of your remote workforce, keeping your business flowing, your organisation successful and demonstrating your leadership by listening to your employees, taking action and keeping them onside during this challenging time. The survey takes less than ten minutes to complete and we have a super quick turnaround time for reporting back to you too
What next?
But you won’t know this or how to respond to the situation, particularly where teams are struggling, unless your teams complete your Home & Remote Working Survey.
We’ve been working with businesses since the early 2000’s helping them create workplaces that enable productivity and introduce remote working as part of introducing agile working– and the biggest hurdle is mindset – typically the culture of the middle management who are concerned about loss of status and only know how to manage staff by presenteeism, rather than by outputs. We can help you overcome that with our Change Management programme of activities.
Planning for re-occupation ?
By analysing the data using the online dashboard functionality you can also ascertain which teams might be more productive if they were to be the first wave of people reoccupying your buildings. We have a specialist design team who can also help with social distancing planning of your workplace.
What should you do?
Get your Home & Remote Working Survey booked in now and if you’re new to managing a remote work force, or want a quick refresher, click the button below for our top tips.