Resources & Downloads
We've selected a range of material for you to to download and use. You can find information on our specialist tools such as the WEX Engagement Platform, the Knight Index and the SuperByte real estate platform, as well as the comprehensive return to the office guidance advice. We've added a few of our marketing flyers as well.

We are turning Hybrid theory into reality
The workplace has become a focal point for transformation, reflecting the changing nature of work itself. Our survey of industry professional from 204 companies revealed key trends and lessons, offering a glimpse into the strategies shaping offices in 2025 and beyond.
Our experience has shown that organisations are most successful in adapting to more flexible operating models when their approach is tailored to their business. Whether you're self delivering or ready for support, we hope that this guide will help you on your journey.

Worksetting Space Budget
Our automated worksetting space budget is a module that can be added to the WEX Platform. It accurately schedules the correct quantity, size and range of worksettings required, matching the activities being undertaken in the workplace. Taking the guess work out of designing new workplaces, it is an evidence based tool that forms the basis of the flexible workplace design.
Return to The Office Guide
There's a lot to think about, and it's not just about the space. More and more employees are advocating for employers that offer flexibility and new ways of working. Our experience has shown that organizations are most successful in adapting to more flexible operating models when their approach is tailored to their business. Culture, work process, business vision, and employee preferences can shape your path forward, creating an outcome that enables your business to meet its targets. We’ve seen companies of all sizes, industries, and locations make successful transitions using our methodology.